Design that Works

We love making beautiful things that function. Solving problems and delivering unmet needs with a product can be very satisfying.

Improving relationships between users and functional objects motivates us.


Red Circle Design is located in Chicago. The firm was founded in 2020. We are dedicated to research & development, searching for solutions, and creating industry leading products.

Outstanding Innovation



Rapid learning and information gathering.


High sensitivity to form and semantics.


Resolute exploration for optimal solutions.


Broad approach to building at every stage.


Vast Experience Across Market Sectors

Our expertise spans multiple industries, technologies, and disciplines.

 Consumer Product Development

Gaming Hardware Development


 Game Changing Innovation

  • High Performance

  • Larger Than Life

  • Minimal and Modern

  • Hands-On

  • Dreams Realized

Let’s create successful products together.

  2021 Red Circle Design Incorporated All Rights Reserved